Dr Alan Turner
Alan currently works in staff specialist positions at the John Hunter Hospital Emergency Department and the Hunter Retrieval Service in Newcastle. He is a Director of Emergency Medicine Training and a current member of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine Certificate and Diploma Council. Currently in his 28th year of full-time service with the Royal Australian Air Force, Alan has been a fully qualified member of the ADF Medical Specialist Program for almost two years. Prior to embarking upon his Emergency Medicine training, Alan served in several Air Force postings, including Chief Instructor at the Institute of Aviation Medicine and Officer In-Charge of Number 3 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron Detachment Amberley. Alan deployed on operations to Kuwait, Afghanistan on two occasions and, most recently, to Burnie, Tasmania, in support of Operation COVID19 ASSIST. Alan’s strong interest in both well-being and the implementation of positive organisational change have been strong drivers in his efforts to establish the Health Professional Engagement Program – Air Force.